Therapy Dogs Creating PAWSitive Experiences


Confidence K9s is a Therapy Dog organization founded in 2017 by Keith Manuel. It seeks to build the confidence of people in four ways:

  1. Create PAWSitive Reading/Studying Experiences for Children.

  2. Provide Comfort for People in Crisis.

  3. Respond to the Needs of Our Community.

  4. Message of Hope in Jesus for Churches.

Where We Serve

After-School Programs
Schools/Summer Learning Camps
Tutoring Centers

Disaster Centers/Shelters

Law Enforcement/First Responders
Community Block Parties
Downtown Development Gatherings

Children, Youth, or Adults
Worship Services/Revivals
Use the Basic Commands to Teach Obedience to Jesus
Sit, Watch, Down, Stay, Come


LENGTH: The presentation lasts between 30-45 mins. Sometimes we can go an hour. Rarely, but occasionally, we need to cut it short. Luke works only when he is willing. He is never forced. However, he LOVES doing what he does. If he becomes tired or stressed, we will cut our presentation short.

COST: We are fortunate to have individuals who invest in Confidence K9s. This allows us to offer our ministry at no cost to your group. If you are able to make a contribution, it is much appreciated as the costs associated with the ministry are expensive. Please, do not let money stop you from inviting us. We will come for free.

CHURCH SPECIFIC: Our message teaches obedience to Jesus. Through the commands of Sit, Watch, Down, Stay, and Come, we tie these to a Bible lesson that captures the attention and prepares hearts to understand what it means to follow Jesus. For example, Sit is connected to the story of Mary and Martha, sisters and friends of Jesus. Martha is always busy and distracted. But, Mary is always seen sitting at the feet of Jesus learning from him. Jesus told Martha her sister was doing the most important thing. Everyone should sit and learn from Jesus.

SCHOOLS: If a school invites us to a gathering of Christian students (FCA or FCS) we will do the same presentation we use for churches. However, if this is for a normal school event, we can use the same basic commands and discuss making the right choices in school. We can speak to the issues of self-esteem, drug/alcohol awareness, or customize a topic to meet your needs. We always teach Luke’s Big 3 Lessons: 1. You are special. 2. You should be safe. 3. You are loved.

OUR NEEDS AT YOUR EVENT: We are fairly self-contained. It would be helpful, if you would provide a couple of door mats IF we are doing our presentation on a hardwood or tile floor (gym or church door mats; see picture above this section). The slick floors may cause Luke to slip and fall. If the area is carpeted, nothing else needs to be provided.

CAN OUR ATTENDEES MEET/PET LUKE: YES!!! However, we need your adults to help supervise that time. If it is a large group sometimes the children’s desire to pet or meet Luke causes them to push one another. We don’t want anyone to fall on Luke or step on his feet. We reserve the right to immediately stop the greeting time if there is any danger to Luke or the students.

HOW TO SCHEDULE: Click anywhere in this text to be taken to our contact info. Feel free to reach out to Keith by phone or the contact form on the page.


Breed: Yellow Labrador Retriever

Distinctions: He is a special shade of yellow, known as Fox Red. He also has vertical, white markings, on both sides just behind his front legs, called Angel Wings.

Affiliations/Awards: Luke holds the title of Therapy Dog by the nationally recognized American Kennel Club Therapy Dog program and works through The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, one of five national AKC recognized Therapy Dog groups. Also, Luke earned the title, Canine Good Citizen, by the AKC.

Luke is trained to be a Pet Therapist. He listens to children read and study. He keeps the secrets they tell him about the stress of school or life. He also provides comfort for people in crisis. Everywhere he goes, he brings love. He genuinely lights up when he sees children and loves to meet new adults too.

Luke understands crisis and the need for help. His breeder, due to unfortunate circumstances, was in a financial and health crisis. Luke and his siblings were living in rough conditions. It took several baths to get the stench off. However, the dogs were healthy and the breeder’s love for the dogs was obvious. Maybe, it is because of Luke’s past that he wants to help others today.

Also, Luke is a “1 in 500” dog. He was infected with heart worms while still with his breeder. It is extremely rare for a puppy to become infected. The progression is the first heart worm test is negative and then when the pup comes back for the second test, it is positive. He spent three months resting in his crate, only going outside on his leash, while being treated.

Luke is available, at no charge, to visit schools, churches, community groups, and businesses. His handler can walk Luke around your event bringing joy to your guests or simply sit and let people come to him. We have a school assembly that teaches making good choices which includes showing off some of Luke’s favorite behaviors or tricks. For churches, we have a special program that demonstrates obedience to Jesus, but also receiving the Good News that can change your life forever.

We would love to talk to you about what we do or schedule a visit. Click here to send us a message or to see our contact information

Keith’s Background. As a boy, Keith always had a dog that he trained to do tricks. Sit, Stay, Sit Up, and Come were natural to him. Dog training turned more serious when Keith was a young man. He saw a group of amazing dogs at a local Labrador Retriever Club. Many years later, as a Chaplain for the Louisiana State Police, he met a Facility Dog and his handler who had spent the day in a courtroom. The dog sat with a girl, giving her confidence, as she gave testimony about someone who harmed her. Keith was hooked. Through research, observation, and much reading, Keith decided he could train a Facility Dog. Luke is the most loyal dog Keith has ever owned. The veterinarian described Luke as, “one of the most chill dogs, I’ve seen. He is so comfortable in his own skin.” Keith absolutely agrees.

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